An abortion is a procedure that ends a pregnancy. It’s sometimes called a termination of pregnancy. This can be done either with medication abortion or, through surgery. It’s more than just a medical procedure; it’s a lifeline for millions of women, girls, and others who can get pregnant. For many, it’s an essential part of their healthcare. According to the World Health Organization, six out of ten unintended pregnancies end in abortion.
In places where abortion is legal, accessible, and free from stigma, individuals can undergo the procedure safely without risking their lives. But in areas where abortion is criminalized, restricted, or shrouded in shame, people are often forced into dangerous and unsafe methods, leading to devastating outcomes, including maternal deaths and lifelong disabilities.
Every person deserves the right to live, to be healthy, and to be free from violence, discrimination, and inhumane treatment. Access to safe abortion is crucial to protecting these rights, as recognized by international human rights law.
Let’s explore the significant abortion statistics and facts in the U.S. to understand the impact and prevalence of abortion and why access to this care is so critical.
How Many Abortions per Year In the U.S
According to the CDC Abortion Surveillance Report, a total of 625,978 abortions were reported in 2021 from 48 reporting areas across the United States. The CDC tracks abortion data to record the number of legal abortions and gather details about the women who have them, as well as to monitor abortion-related deaths in the United States. (1)
Abortion Statistics

A legal induced abortion is when a licensed healthcare provider, like a doctor or nurse, performs a procedure to end a known or suspected pregnancy inside the uterus, following state laws. This procedure is intended to end the pregnancy and does not result in a live birth.
The CDC started tracking abortion data in 1969 to record the number and details of women getting legal induced abortions. Many states and jurisdictions also collect this information, which they voluntarily share with the CDC. The CDC’s surveillance system gathers and compiles this data from across the country.
In 2021, among 47 reporting areas that provided data each year from 2012 to 2021, a total of 622,108 abortions were reported. The abortion rate for that year was 11.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years. (1)
The abortion ratio was 204 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2021. From 2020 to 2021, the abortion ratio increased by 4%. (1)
From 2020 to 2021, the total number of reported abortions increased by 5%. (1)
Abortion statistics vary by age group. In areas that consistently reported data by age from 2012 to 2021, women aged 20–29 accounted for the highest percentage of abortions and had the highest abortion rates (57.0%). (1)
Adolescents under 15 years old accounted for the lowest percentage of abortions and had the lowest abortion rates (0.2%). (1)
In 2021, the most common method of abortion was early medication abortion, accounting for 53.0% of procedures performed at 9 weeks of gestation or earlier. This was followed by surgical abortions, with 37.6% performed by 13 weeks of gestation. (1)
Teen Abortion Rate In the U.S., 2012-2021

Abortion in the United States continues to be a highly debated and polarizing issue. In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that had protected women’s right to abortion. This change now allows states to fully ban the procedure if they choose. Despite this ruling and the abortion bans implemented in many states, polls indicate that most U.S. adults still support the legalization of abortion.
In 2021, the reported abortion rate for teenage girls aged 15 to 19 years in the United States was 5.4 per 1,000. From 2020 to 2021, abortion rates decreased among adolescents aged 15–19 years. (1)
Teen Abortions by Gestation

In 2021, 14,127 abortions among teenage girls occurred at six weeks of gestation or earlier. Pregnant teenagers encounter many of the same challenges as older women during pregnancy. However, they are more likely to face complications or even maternal death compared to women aged 20 and older. For girls aged 15–19, these risks are often linked more to socioeconomic factors than to their age itself. (1)
Rate of Legal Abortions in the U.S. in 2021, Categorized by Marital Status
While a small percentage of women seek abortions due to health concerns or fetal anomalies, most do so in response to an unintended pregnancy. However, the term “unintended pregnancy” doesn’t fully explain the complex reasons and life situations behind a woman’s choice to end a pregnancy.
The decision to have an abortion is usually influenced by a variety of interconnected reasons. Common themes include the responsibility to care for others and limited resources, such as financial difficulties and lack of support from a partner.
Abortions by Method Type
There are two types of abortion:
- Medication or Medical Abortion: This method involves taking pills to end and expel a pregnancy. The pills can be taken at home or at a healthcare facility. It’s also known as a “pill abortion,” “at-home abortion,” or “Plan C.”
- Surgical Abortion: This is a procedure performed in a clinic or hospital to remove a pregnancy, often referred to as an “in-clinic abortion.”

In 2021, there were 212,395 reported surgical abortions performed at 13 weeks gestation or earlier. Surgical abortions include procedures such as uterine aspiration, which encompasses dilation and curettage, aspiration curettage, suction curettage, manual vacuum aspiration, menstrual extraction, or sharp curettage, as well as dilation and evacuation procedures. (1)
Demographics of Women Receiving Abortions
Abortion is a common aspect of reproductive healthcare. Women in the U.S. have abortion incidence rates similar to those in other developed countries. Women from all races and backgrounds choose to have abortions for various reasons.
1. Abortion Demographics by Age Groups

A survey found that 32% of women who obtained an abortion in the U.S. between June 2021 and July 2022 were aged 20 to 24. Young women often seek abortions due to concerns about how an unplanned pregnancy might impact their future, including their education, career, and relationships. (2)
2. Abortion by Race/Ethnicity

A survey of women in the U.S. who had an abortion between June 2021 and July 2022 found that 26% were Hispanic, and 33% were Black. Black women have the highest rates of unintended pregnancies among all groups. This reflects the unique challenges that many women in minority communities face, such as limited access to high-quality contraceptive services and difficulty in consistently and effectively using their chosen birth control methods over time. (2)
3. Abortion by Education Level

A survey found that 37.8% of women who had an abortion between June 2021 and July 2022 had some college education or an associate degree. (2)
4. Abortion by Income Level

Nearly 41.8% of women who had an abortion between June 2021 and July 2022 had a family income below the federal poverty level. Financial stress is a significant factor in many women’s decision to have an abortion. Many women say they simply couldn’t afford to have a baby at that time. Others mentioned relationship problems or the desire to avoid raising a child alone as reasons for their decision. (2)
5. Abortion by Prior Births

44.3% of women who had an abortion had no prior births, 23.4% had one prior birth, and 32.3% had two or more prior births. Some women who have had abortions and are already mothers explain that they weren’t rejecting motherhood but were making a family planning decision. Others describe the choice to have an abortion as difficult and complex, noting that they’ve learned to live with their decision over time. (2)
6. Abortions by Facility Type

7. Medication Abortions by Facility Type
Medication abortion is a way to end a pregnancy using medication. It involves taking two drugs in sequence. The first, mifepristone, stops the pregnancy from progressing. The second, misoprostol, causes the uterus to contract, helping the body to expel the pregnancy tissue.

Prior Live Births and Induced Abortions
Most mothers who choose to have an abortion often say they do so to protect the well-being of the children they already have. This decision is especially difficult when you consider that many of these women are facing challenges like low income, unemployment, lack of health insurance, or the struggles of raising children on their own.

57.3% of abortions occurred among women with no previous abortion history. (1)
Among reported abortions, 24.5% involved women with one, and 18.2% had two or more prior abortions. (1)
39.3% of reported abortions involved women with no previous live births, while 24.3% had one prior live birth. (1)
Additionally, 20.0% had two, 9.8% had three, and 6.6% had four or more previous live births. (1)
At What Point in Pregnancy do Most Abortions Take Place?
Types of Abortion Facilities

In 2020, the United States had 1,603 abortion-providing facilities, including 227 abortion clinics and 530 hospitals. (2)
What is the Cost of an Abortion?
The cost of an abortion can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of procedure you need, how far along you are in your pregnancy, the state or health center where you receive care, and whether you have health insurance that covers the cost. Additionally, the availability of financial assistance can also play a role in helping to cover the expenses.

In 2021, the median self-pay cost for medication abortions in the U.S. was $568. The cost of abortion services varied by region, with all regions seeing price increases over time. However, the West consistently had the highest costs across all years. Since most abortion patients have low incomes, these rising prices may make it difficult for many people to afford the abortion care they need. (3)
First-trimester procedural abortions cost $625, while second-trimester abortion procedures had a median cost of $775. Most abortion patients pay out of pocket for their procedures, making it crucial to understand the prices set by clinics. (3)
Abortion-Related Deaths 1973-2020
An abortion-related death is when someone dies because of a direct complication from an abortion, a complication that arises due to events triggered by the abortion, or the worsening of a pre-existing condition caused by the physical or emotional effects of the abortion. Any death linked to an abortion is considered abortion-related, no matter how much time has passed since the procedure.
In 1973, there were 47 deaths related to abortions. An abortion-related death is defined as a death that results directly from complications of an abortion (whether legal or illegal), from complications indirectly caused by the abortion, or from the worsening of a pre-existing condition due to the physical effects of the abortion. (1)
Six women died due to complications from legal induced abortions. (1)
Legal Abortions Reported in the U.S. by State in 2021
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it allowed states to restrict or completely ban abortion. Many states immediately enacted bans through trigger laws they had set up in anticipation of this decision. However, even before the ruling, access to abortion and the rates at which it was performed varied significantly from state to state.
In 2021, Florida reported the highest number of legal abortions in the United States, with nearly 79,817 procedures recorded. (1)
Abortion Rates by State in the U.S. in 2021
In the United States, the abortion debate is often split between two main viewpoints: those who are “pro-life” and believe that abortion should be restricted or banned, and those who are “pro-choice” and believe that the decision to end a pregnancy should be left to the woman.
Final Thought
Access to comprehensive abortion care, including legal induced abortion and abortion pills, is a crucial aspect of reproductive health and the broader health care system. The data on the number of abortions occurring and the women obtaining abortions underscores the need for continued support through abortion funds and accessible medical abortion options. More than half of these procedures are performed using abortion medication, highlighting the importance of making these resources widely available and affordable.
As we consider the findings from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other studies, like the monthly abortion provision study, it’s clear that abortion access remains a vital issue. With ongoing abortion bans and restrictions, it’s essential to advocate for a healthcare system that supports all women, ensuring that everyone has the right to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures.
By supporting abortion funds and protecting access to legal induced abortion, we can work toward a future where comprehensive reproductive health care is available to all who need it.
- Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2021
- Characteristics of abortion patients in protected and restricted states accessing clinic-based care 12 months prior to the elimination of the federal constitutional right to abortion in the United States
- Trends in Abortion Care in the United States, 2017-2021