Fight and Flight in Self Defense - Women On Guard


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Fight and Flight in Self Defense

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Fight and Flight in Self Defense. You’re probably saying to yourself, it’s not suppose to be Fight and Flight, it’s suppose to be Fight or Flight. However, we have a different take on this. So, we believe in having both responses so we’re changing it to Fight and Flight in Self Defense.

If you feel frightened or nervous when walking by yourself at night, you’re not alone, most people do. When you walk alone at night you become vulnerable to attacks even though most attacks are unpredictable.

Because of the danger of walking alone at night, even during the day, you should be aware of your surroundings. This is crucial as to whether or not you find yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in. But, either way, it’s best to be prepared yourself for Fight and Flight in Self Defense, just in case. Let’s introduce it.

Fight and Flight

Fight or Flight is a survival mechanism, that enables people and other mammals to react quickly to life-threatening situations. There are two possible outcomes. I’ve read many articles on this topic and most of them mention that you either Fight or Flight. Again, we believe in having both responses.

First you fight to position yourself in the situation to obtain that window of opportunity and get to safety. Getting to safety is the flight part of this.

In fight response, your reaction is to fight, and defend yourself against your attacker.

Flight response requires you to escape from the situation. Therefore, running away from an attacker and getting to safety is the goal.

When we refer to fight, the attacker is subdued by means of a self defense device.

The Use of a Self Defense Device to Fight

One way is to spray them with pepper spray. As a result, this will temporarily blind them and disorient them giving you that window of opportunity to run like hell to safety. You go from Fight to Flight.

Another way is to get them on the ground by using a stun gun. Stun them and while they are down, run like hell to safety. Again, you go from Fight to Flight.

You could always carry a knife with you. You’ll have to be careful with a knife. The attacker will try to take it from you. Be smart, don’t give them an opportunity to grab it. Fight and Flight again.

You can use any self defense device to fight with your attacker. Scream or activate a personal alarm that sounds off. Noice always draws attention to the situation. However, the perfect situation is to not get in the situation of having to defend yourself. But if you don’t have a choice, there are many products you can use to fight with and give you that window of opportunity to run to safety. Check out our website and buy something you feel comfortable with. This is the first step towards personal protection and your road to safety. Peace, and stay safe. The Women On Guard Team.


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