Order Cancellation Policy
- Cancellation Requests: Customers may request to cancel their order before it has been shipped by sending an email to support@womenonguard.com within 2 hours of placing the order. Once the order has been shipped, it cannot be canceled and must follow the return policy guidelines.
- Contact Information: To cancel an order, contact our customer service team as soon as possible with your order number and cancellation request.
- Refunds for Canceled Orders: If the order is successfully canceled before shipping, a full refund will be issued. If the order has already shipped, it must be returned unopened in its original packaging, and a 20% restocking fee will apply.
Defective Products
- Replacement Policy: We will replace all defective items for up to 30 days after the invoice date, except for TASER products. Defective TASER products must be exchanged directly through TASER International at www.TASER.com. Please see the guidelines below.
- Warranty Period: If a product has a longer warranty period, it will be indicated in the product description on our website. Disassembling the product will void any warranty and refund privilege.
- Return Testing: Test the product before returning it. If an item is returned and found to be working, the customer must pay return shipping charges. The item must not show signs of abuse or misuse, and all parts and accessories must be included. We will determine whether it is defective upon receipt and then process your request.
- Return Postage: The customer is responsible for paying return postage when sending back defective or non-defective units.
- Exchange Policy: We accept products for exchange within 30 days after the invoice date on most products, except for TASER products. No exchanges will be accepted for TASER products.
- Non-Exchangeable Items: Due to the nature of the product, we cannot accept exchanges or returns on Mace spray or pepper spray products due to wrong color, size, or brand ordered. These products may have been inadvertently compromised.
- Condition: Each product returned must be in its original, unopened packaging and ready for resale. A 20% restocking fee applies to non-defective items. A standard shipping cost of $9.99 will be charged to ship the exchanged product back to you. Exchanges are contingent upon product inspection once received.
- Return Postage: The customer is responsible for paying return postage when sending back defective or non-defective units.
- Return Policy: We accept products for a refund within 30 days after the invoice date. Products must be in their original, unopened packaging and ready for resale. A 20% restocking fee applies to non-defective items.
- Non-Returnable Items: We do not accept returns on TASER products, Mace, or pepper spray products due to the nature of these items. Returns are contingent upon product inspection once received.
- Large Quantity Purchases: Large quantity purchases (10 or more units) are not returnable but can be replaced if defective.
- Return Postage: The customer is responsible for paying return postage when sending back defective or non-defective units.
- RMA Number: Contact us for an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and return address. The RMA number must be written on the outside of the box. Returns will not be accepted without an RMA number.
- Return Information: Include a note with your name, order number, order date, address, items being returned, daytime telephone number, and the reason for the return.
- Non-Acceptable Returns: Items missing parts, opened non-defective products, and user-damaged products will not be accepted. All returns, refunds, or exchanges must be approved before processing.
Shipping Fees
- Non-Refundable: Shipping fees are non-refundable. Refunds will be credited minus any shipping and handling charges that were paid by us and applicable fees. The cost of shipping your order to you, whether you paid for shipping or we paid for shipping, and applicable restocking fees will be deducted from any refund given.
- Example 1: If your product cost was $24.95 plus $9.99 shipping, your refund will be the cost of the item minus a 20% restocking fee if applicable (this does not apply to defective products). Shipping fees are non-refundable.
- Example 2: If your product cost was $69.99 and qualified for free shipping, and you return your order for a refund, your refund amount will be $69.99 minus a 20% restocking fee if applicable (this does not apply to defective products) and the shipping charge we paid on your behalf.
- General Warranty: We guarantee all our products to be free of defects in workmanship and material for 30 days (unless otherwise stated) after sale to the customer. We will replace or repair products as long as there is no evidence of misuse or alteration.
- Stun Devices: Stun devices have a lifetime warranty, provided there has been no misuse of the product.
Hidden Camera and Surveillance Products
- Return Policy: Hidden cameras and surveillance orders cannot be canceled or refunded due to their nature. Contact us immediately if the product is defective or damaged during shipment.
- Warranty: Hidden cameras and surveillance products come with a 90-day warranty (unless otherwise stated). Warranty replacements cover manufacturer defects only. Wear and tear or misuse does not qualify. Refunds for warranty items are not issued unless notified within 90 days. Longer warranties will only allow for repair or replacement, not refunds.
- Returning Under Warranty: Follow the return policy guidelines for returning products under warranty.
For further assistance, please contact our customer service.