Suicide is a heartbreaking reality, marked by individuals taking their own lives with the intention of ending their pain. When someone attempts suicide but survives, the aftermath can be equally devastating, leaving deep emotional and physical scars.
The ripple effects of suicide touch many lives. Those who survive a suicide attempt often face long-term health issues and ongoing battles with depression and other mental health challenges. The families and friends left behind endure profound grief, shock, anger, and guilt, often grappling with their own mental health struggles in the wake of their loss.
Each suicide is a profound tragedy. However, there is hope. Research shows that with better understanding and support, we can reduce suicide rates. Recognizing suicide as a serious public health issue and spreading awareness about its prevention can save lives.
In this article, we will explore the prevalence of suicide in the US and around the world, examine the risk factors, and look at how these trends are changing over time.

Suicide is a tragic outcome of severe psychological distress and overwhelming hopelessness. Each person’s experience with a mental health crisis is unique. Some may face sudden traumatic events, like the loss of a loved one, while others endure ongoing mental health struggles due to various health and social challenges.
Suicide rates have almost steadily increased during the 21st century, affecting both males and females across nearly every age and race. In 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a call to action for a national suicide prevention strategy and an advisory for youth mental health services in response to this ongoing rise in suicides.
In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that suicide was the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States. (1)
In 2022, 49,476 Americans lost their lives to suicide. From 2021 to 2022, there was a 2.1% increase in the suicide rate, marking the highest number of suicides ever recorded in the USA. (2)
According to the 2022 National Survey of Drug Use and Mental Health, an estimated 0.6% of adults aged 18 or older made at least one suicide attempt. This means 1.6 million Americans made suicide attempts. (3)
Specifically, there were 39,255 male suicides compared to 10,194 female suicides. This indicates that men died by suicide approximately 3.85 times more than women in 2022. Although males make up 50% of the U.S. population, they account for about 80% of suicide deaths in the country. (4)
In 2022, White males had a provisional age-adjusted suicide rate of 28.2 per 100,000 people, according to provisional data released by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). (4)
In a Suicide Prevention Now survey, 94% of U.S. adults believe that suicide is preventable. In 2022, 96% of U.S. adults said they would take action to help prevent suicide if someone close to them was considering it. (5)
56% of firearm deaths were suicides, and 55% of all suicides were committed using firearms. Evidence consistently shows that access to firearms increases the risk of suicide. Having a firearm in the home makes the odds of suicide more than three times higher. (3)
90% of individuals who died by suicide had a diagnosable mental health condition at the time of their death, usually a depressive disorder or substance abuse disorder. (3)
In 2022, firearms accounted for 27,032 suicide deaths, suffocation for 12,247 deaths, and poisoning for 6,150 deaths. The number of gun suicides in 2022 was the leading cause of death and the highest on record, surpassing the previous year’s record. (6)

The financial toll of suicide on society is also significant. In 2020, suicide and nonfatal self-harm cost the nation over $500 billion in medical expenses, lost work productivity, and impacts on the quality and value of life. (7)
Suicide Rates 2023

Some groups have higher suicide rates than others, influenced by race/ethnicity, age, and location.
Groups with higher-than-average suicide rates include veterans, people living in rural areas, and workers in industries like mining and construction. Additionally, young people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and behaviors compared to their heterosexual peers.
a. Age-Specific Suicide Rates

b. Suicide Rates by Race/Ethnicity

In 2022, American Indians and Alaskan Natives had the highest age-adjusted suicide rate in the U.S. at 26.7 per 100,000, followed by Whites at 17.4 per 100,000. Among the five race and Hispanic-origin groups reported, American Indian and Alaska Native non-Hispanic individuals had the highest age-adjusted rates in 2022. (4)

c. Suicidal Thoughts and Actions Among U.S. Adults

In 2022, 9.3% of multiracial young adults aged 18 or older had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year, higher than Black (5.5%), White (5.2%), Hispanic (4.6%), or Asian adults (3.4%). Asian adults were less likely to have had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year compared to adults in most other racial or ethnic groups. (8)
Suicide Attempt Rates Among Adults in 2022

In the past year, 13% of girls reported making a plan to attempt suicide, compared to 6% of boys. In the same report, 42% of girls reported feeling so sad or hopeless for two or more weeks in a row that they stopped doing their usual activities, a symptom of depression. In comparison, 20% of boys reported feeling the same way. (9)
In 2022, among adults aged 18 or older, 5.2% (13.2 million) had serious thoughts of suicide, 1.5% (3.8 million) made a suicide plan, and 0.6% (1.6 million) attempted suicide. (10)

How Many Suicidal Deaths this Year Worldwide 2024

Suicides are preventable. There are numerous measures that can be implemented at population, sub-population, and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. Organizations like the WHO and the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) have designated September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day to support people at risk of suicide.
By raising awareness, promoting mental health, and improving access to support and treatment, we can reduce the incidence of suicide. This global initiative aims to unite people and organizations in recognizing the importance of mental health and working together to prevent suicides.
About 720,000 people die by suicide each year, equating to one person every 40 seconds. Suicide affects people of all ages and was the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds worldwide in 2019. (11)
Suicide is a global issue, not limited to high-income countries. In fact, over 77% of global suicides in 2019 occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Around 20% of global suicides are due to pesticide self-poisoning, mostly in rural agricultural areas of low- and middle-income countries. Other common suicide methods include hanging and firearms. (11)
In 2019, over one in every 100 deaths (1.3%) was due to suicide. An individual suffering from depression is twenty times more likely to die by suicide than someone without the disorder. (12)
More than half (58%) of all suicide deaths occur before the age of 50. The global suicide rate is more than twice as high among men compared to women. Suicide rates are high among vulnerable groups who face discrimination, including refugees, migrants, prisoners, indigenous people, and individuals from the LGBTI community. (12)
Risk Factors of Suicide

The reasons someone might take their own life are complex, often involving a combination of health and social factors, including access to mental health services for support and treatment.
By understanding these factors, we can better support those struggling with their mental health and work towards improving the broader health and social care environment in our communities. Some key risk factors for suicide include:
Previous suicide attempts
Mental health conditions (such as depression)
Traumatic experiences in childhood or adulthood (such as abuse or violence)
Substance misuse (such as drugs or alcohol)
Social isolation
Job or financial issues
Relationship problems
Serious illness and chronic pain
Barriers to support or care and stigma
While these risk factors do not predict the risk of suicide at a single point in time, they indicate an increased risk for a population over its lifetime.
Final Thought
In conclusion, suicide occurs across all demographic groups and age ranges, with over half of the deaths occurring before the age of 50. The data shows that suicide rates vary significantly by demographic groups, with some experiencing rates well above the national average. Common methods of suicide, such as firearms, hanging, and pesticide poisoning, highlight the need for targeted injury prevention efforts.
The data table from recent studies underscores the importance of addressing factors like mental health conditions, substance misuse, and social isolation to reduce suicidal ideation. By focusing on the common method and risk factors, we can work towards more effective prevention strategies and support systems to save lives.
- CDC Wonder: About Underlying Cause of Death, 2018-2022, Single Race
- CDC: WISQARS Fatal and Nonfatal Injury Reports
- AFSP: Suicide Data – United States
- Vital Statistics Rapid Release – Provisional Estimates of Suicide by Demographic Characteristics: United States, 2022
- Suicide Prevention Now: Comparing physical and mental health
- CDC: Suicide and Self-Harm Injury
- WISQARS Cost Of Injury: Number of Injuries and Associated Costs
- SAMHSA: Highlights by Race/Ethnicity for the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- 2021-22 School Year Monroe County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report
- SAMHSA: Highlights for the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- WHO: Suicide